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Lost and Found (Seasons of Music)


Music doesn’t just create rhythms to dance with, melodies to sing, or symphonies to play. Music, just like prose, and poetry, share stories. The beat of the drum sends anger and a message. The lullaby of the piano creates a melody and a love scenario. The strum of a guitar gives off tears and sadness in goodbyes. Music creates the anthem of the seasons. It is the chirping of the birds in the summer that make it so joyful. The breeze in the spring that makes it romantic. The rain in the fall that makes it melancholic. And the snowfall and and sound of lit fireplaces that makes winter confusing.

Samantha sees her Dad downstairs.

It’s been 2 years since her mother died, and it was as if her Dad started to age even more. His hair seems to haven’t been cut in 2 years. His beard looked as if he only shaves once a year. His clothes worn out by being at the lake almost everyday. His eyes seem to grow even more tired everyday. She hated seeing how he looked everyday. She hated how he looked like he had given up. She hated it.

“Will you join me today?”, her father asked while he was preparing all his fishing supplies.

“I don’t like the smell of fish.”, she said bluntly.

“No ones like the smell of fish honey.”, he looked at her and gave a small smile.

She didn’t smile back. Instead, she headed outside to her bike and rode off. She rode until she was satisfied with how far she was from the docks. She rode past the park, the clearing, the line of trees. She just kept riding.


“Just keep pedaling Sam!”, her Mother shouted after releasing her hold on her first bike.

She pedaled and pedaled and watched as she made the bike move forward without her falling. She went faster and faster until she was able to circle the entire park.

“I’m doing it Mom!”, Sam exclaimed excitedly, “I’m doing it!”.

Her mom watched her and smiled. Her eyes complete with both joy and worry. Sam looked back at her mom. She was really beautiful. The sight of her made Sam feel warm. The rays of the sun behind her, the summer breeze blowing off her long brown locks. Sam smiled back.


She stopped to catch her breath. She looked around as to where she ended up and saw the docks.

“I must’ve circled back.”, she took her helmet off and tied her brown hair into a ponytail.

William watched the sunset.

He didn’t know why he found himself driving downtown to meet Joshua. He knew he said no. Yet, here he was, driving across the hills, watching the sunset on his car window, headed to where his brother lived.

“I don’t even know why I’m doing this again.”, he sighed.

Even though William and Joshua had inherit their Father’s wealth, Joshua never lived a posh life. He kept the house, and saved the inheritance for emergency purposes. At least, that’s what he knew. Joshua even refused to work with him in his Father’s company. In his words, the company was “your mother and father’s”. Instead of the company, Joshua went on to work as a server.

He looks to his right and sees the then blue sky turn from orange, to red, till darkness completely envelops it. He pulls up at the driveway in the villa inherited by his brother. The lights were on in the front porch. He took his keys and walked up to the door that was opening.

“I thought that was you.”, his brother smiled at him and opted for a welcoming hug which William refused.

He offers his hand where the car keys are. His brother looks at him confused and started smiling.

“I wasn’t gonna borrow your car William.”, he signals him to a new, or rather, new to him sedan parked beside his in the driveway, “I know it’s not much, but it’s enough for what I saved up while being a waiter.”.

“Then why did you ask me to come?”, he asked confused.

Joshua then called out a name, a girl’s name. What came to the door was a surprise to William. What stood in front of him was a pregnant woman in the arms of his brother. Her belly has grown and it seems that she’s not that far along anymore.

“I wanted you to know that you’re going to be an uncle.”, his brother smiled.

Joshua waited in front of the theater.

He was nervous. The cold of winter didn’t help. His hands were fidgeting, his eyes searching for her, his knees trembling. He was nervous, and it was too obvious. He had finally got a date with that woman, and even before she got there, she already has this different effect on him. He was never nervous on a date before her. He would always look so confident, so put together, so different from what he looks like now. He glances at his watch.

“Hey!”, he looks up to the other side of the street.

She was waving at him, smiling. Suddenly, he wasn’t cold anymore. Her smile miraculously made him feel very warm. He watched her as she cautiously tried to cross the street. Looking left and right for cars that might come. Her hair was a bit messy from the cold breeze and the humidity. Yet, he smiled. To him she looked perfect.

“Hey…”, he looks at her intently, “… you look beautiful.”

She smiles at him.

For the first time in his life, he had a loss for words. No cheesy pick up line, no smooth talking, nothing. He had just been observing her the entire date. How she plays with her hair when she talks, how she smiles after she finishes eating, how she seems to look amazed watching a movie that scares people. To him, she was just perfect.

“Will I see you again?”, the nervousness in his voice was obvious.

“Are you asking me on a second date?”, she smiles.

“I’m asking you on a lot more dates.”

She laughs at him. Somehow he feels both embarrassed and proud. He felt the warmth go up to his cheeks even when it was freezing outside. He was anxious and excited. Scared and happy.

“Sure.”, and she smiles at him again.

Miranda woke up in the middle of the night.

She hears her baby crying. It had been tough for her for the last three months ever since she gave birth. She had to work in the morning and leave Clara at her neighbor, and at night she had to take care of her alone even when she was exhausted from working.

“There, there, Clara…”, she picks up her child and rocks her, “Mama’s here.”.

Clara would immediately stop crying. Being in her arms seem to always have a soothing effect on Clara. She would then try to rock her back to sleep, and it didn’t matter even if she did this every night. Seeing Clara calm and happy was enough for her.


She and Charles have been seeing each other more often after the banquet. They set up a secret post at the oak tree a few blocks from Miranda’s house for them to be able to exchange letters. Each letter that arrives always makes her day.

“Dearest Miranda…”, she read the latest letter he had written, “I hope this letter finds you in joy and in bliss…”.

His letters have started to become a part of Miranda’s routine. Not a day goes by that she doesn’t check the secret post that they set up. She continues to read the letter when she hears a clamor downstairs.

“Mrs. Cole, good day.”, she knew that voice.

“Theodore! What a pleasant surprise!”, she hears her mother greet him.

She walked down the stairs and saw his mother and Theodore exchange pleasantries in the doorway. They look up to her at the same time as she descended.

“Miranda…”, he offered his hand.

She refused to take it and felt her mother nudge her from the side. She reached out her right hand and let him take it.

“Miranda…”, she looks at her mother, “Theodore here was just telling me about this new gazebo his parents set up in their garden…”.

“That’s right.”, Theodore takes her hand, “I was wondering if you would want to check it with me.”

She looked at her hand that was now in Theodore McCartney’s grasp. She felt shivers down her spine. A hurdling warmth on her stomach. She looks at her mother and notices the signal she was giving. She nods.


Clara finally went back to sleep. She set her back to her bassinet and gently touches her hand. She watches as Clara goes back to sleep peacefully. She smiles.

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